Community, but not any community, is everything.

Richard Bull-Domican
1 min readJul 17, 2022

Just recently, the importance of community, both for personal and professional interests, has been brought into my sharper focus.

Perhaps it’s because we now have Mental Health Awareness Month in the US and Mental Health Awareness Week here in the UK.

Or, perhaps my focus has been sharpened by the numerous lockdowns we’ve experienced.

But the reality is, it’s probably a combination of the two.

If we are going to forge ahead after the pandemic and spend quality time in the company of people with common interests, beliefs and purpose, we are going to be far better off in positive, energized, respectful environments.

I missed seeing good people — this statement comes from an introvert 😊. So, feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused in a community environment is now a big no no for me.

Looking ahead, I believe we can make it our mission to mix in circles whose members:

· Check in every once in a while, to make sure others are OK

· Give fellow members an audience for sharing ideas, challenges and concerns; and

· Motivate everyone to do great things

Roy T. Bennett — ‘Respect other people’s feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to them.’

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your day!

Best wishes,




Richard Bull-Domican

Old school marketer. Loves building relationships. Loves running with great ideas. Loves the telephone. Proud father of 3 beautiful daughters.